Thursday, May 22

Rapujuhlat kiinalaisittain

For 150RMB eight people could share the plate with crayfish
Fireworks marking the opening of the new restaurant

Poikaystäväni pomo soitti tiistai-iltana ja kysyi tulemmeko bao long ostoskeskukseen yhdeksän jälkeen syömään uuden ravintolan avajaisiin. Aluksi olimme menossa syömään jonka jälkeen ohjelma muuttui mutta menimme sinne sitten lopulta. Pomo ja työkaverit olivat jo paikalla ja istuivat ravintolan ulkopuolella olevissa pöydissä. Avajaisten kunniaksi kaljaa sai juoda ilmaiseksi. En tiedä mikä ravintolan erikoisuus on mutta monet olivat tilanneet rapuja. Mekin tilasimme niitä, mutta ennen kuin ne saapuivat, söimme kuivattua kalaa ja muuta pientä, kuten pähkinöitä. Odotimme pitkään kunnes ravut saapuivat pöytäämme. Rapuja ei syöty hienostuneeseen tapaan erikoisveitsellä ja servietillä leuan alla, vaan meillä oli muovikäsineet ja käsin avasimme niin että liemet lensivät vierustoverin päälle. Söin siihen tahtiin etten naamaa ehtinyt välissäkään pyyhkiä. Muiden lopetettua syönnin imin vielä viimeisiä ravun saksista ja lopetin vasta kun huomasin kaikkien tuijottavan minua. He huomauttivat että ravut taitavatkin olla minulle suurta herkkua ja yksi alkoi liemestä kalastaa irtonaisia paloja minulle. Vasta kahdentoista aikaan palasimme huoneelle ja onneksi minulla ei ollut seuraavana päivänä kouluakaan luvassa, sillä kaikki tunnit oli peruttu presidentin pitämän konferenssin takia.


On the evening of Tuesday, my boyfriend got a call from his boss asking us to join him and his co-workers for dinner. A new restaurant in Bao Long shopping mall had just opened and we would get some free beer and crayfish if we came. The first minute we were on our way and the next we weren’t this. This went on for a while until I almost had to drag my boyfriend onto the bus so I could have some crayfish. The boss had already arrived and sat outside with some of the other workers. The place was almost full and beer was everywhere. I’m not sure what the restaurant is known for, but probably they are a sea-food restaurant, as everybody had ordered the plate with crayfish for 150rmb. It took a while before we got our plate so we had to snack on some dried fish and nuts until our feast could begin. The eating wasn’t too civilized as I’m used to when having crayfish back in Finland with specialty knives to open up the shell whit as well as some napkins covering clothes from being stained. Here we were given plastic gloves and by hand or by biting the shells were opened and meet and juice sucked out so forcefully that even my the one seated next to me was covered in sauce flying everywhere. The Chinese were surprised how much I seemed to like the meal as they had long gone stopped eating as I was still getting the last claws open. One even had to start fishing for more bites to give me as I didn’t have enough. We got home around twelve and luckily I didn’t have any classes the next day as all school had to cancel the school day due to a conference held by the president in Shanghai.