Wednesday, May 28

Peasant painting

Some still working at their paintings
Art on display in the workshop we painted at
All of us had the same base to start from
Peasant art on display outside the work shops

Peasant painting on kiinalainen kansantaide, jota viljelijät harrastavat. Modernia taidetta saimme mekin kokeilla, kun menimme toiseen kylään vesi kaupungin lähettyvillä, jossa maalaus-pajat sijaitsevat. Pajan omistivat kiinalainen mukava pariskunta. Kaikki saimme saman pohjan josta sitten alkaa joko mallin mukaan maalata, tai sitten käyttäen omaa mielikuvitusta. Itse yritin mallia seurata, mutta jotkut pienet yksityiskohdat jätin tekemättä, sillä tunnissa en olisi ehtinyt odottaa, että joka maalikerros kuivuu ennen kun vaihdan väriä. Maali oli helppo käyttää ja muutenkin kuva oli niin simppeli, että kaikki sen jotenkin saivat toimimaan. Itse pidin tästä workshopista todella paljon ja ostin kehyksen taululle, joka maksoi kolmisen euroa. Lisäksi ostin pariskunnalta heidän maalaaman panda taulun, joka maksoi noin kahdeksan euroa. Kuvat ovat helppoja kopioida, joten voin itse näitä jatkossakin maalata.


Peasant painting is original folk art made by farmers. It’s a modern art form and we experienced it one of the villages in Fengjing. At a workshop owned by a Chinese couple who both are artists we were given the chance to do a painting ourselves. Or maybe not completely by ourselves, as the base was already done and we had a finished model we could copy or use as inspiration. Some did their own thing, but I tried to stick to the original. Some details were too hard to copy in the one hour we had on us to finish the painting, but the time was enough. I really enjoyed the workshop and I even bought a frame for 20rmb so my picture looks even better now. They couple sold paintings they had made and I bought one with two pandas as a memory of the place. A small picture cost 60rmb, which for me seemed like a good price. I liked the colors and the simple style that the art form followed. Some looked really nice as other were maybe a bit childish, but as they are pretty simple to reconstruct, I took lots of pictures so I can back home paint them myself.