Saturday, May 9

Timantteja ja tupsuja

We almost walked passed the building because I didn't know what to expect the clothing material market to look like
This is just a fraction of all the different colored zippers that could be found in the shops
Small stalls next to each other made the place look like a maze
Large tassels 
I bought some small tassels that can be used with jewelry 
All kinds of material was for sale here, you just need to know what you are looking for
A shop selling lace 
More lace and some flower band that I bought
If you can't find what you are looking for here, it probably doesn't exist 
View from second floor

Tänään tuli ensimmäistä kertaa käytyä ns. vaatteiden tilbehööri markkinoilla. Paikka oli melko sokkelomainen, pienine kojuineen, joista suurin osa möi eri tuotteita. Suurin osa möi pieniä timantteja, joita voi lisätä vaatteisiin, mutta paikalla oli myös paljon liikkeitä, jotka möivät vetoketjuja, nappeja, naruja, tupsuja jne. Oikea paratiisi mielestäni, sillä kaikkea tekisi mieli ostaa. Tällä kertaa katselin mitä oli tarjolla, ja ostin vain vähän pientä vaatteiden tekoa varten. Tuli ostettua kolme vetoketjua, kolme nappia, paljon tupsuja, farkkujen koristenapit ja kukkanauhoja. Tietenkin olisi tehnyt mieli ostaa vaikka mitä, mutta nyt kun tietää mitä on tarjolla, voi vähän suunnitella mitä oikeasti tarvitsee. Hinnatkin oli suhtkoht edulliset, ainakin verrattuna Suomalaisiin hintoihin. Toisaalla hintataso vaihteli, ja esim. 120 kpl timanttia maksoi yhdessä paikassa 15rmb( yli 2euroa) ja toisessa 3rmb (45 senttiä), eli hintaa kannatta verrata ennen kuin rupeaa ostamaan.


I went to the clothes material market next to Yuyuan Garden for the first time today. The place was like a maze, but also a paradise at the same time. There were so many stalls that you didn’t know what you wanted to buy, or why you even came there in the first place. A lot of stalls sold diamonds that can be used to decorate clothing, and other sold zippers, buttons, lace, tassels etc. When Finland has maybe some ten different zippers on sale, here you could find hundreds. The same thing with buttons, there were too many to choose from. The prices were also pretty fair and I bought some material for clothes I wanted to have tailor made. I bought three zippers for 7rmb, three buttons for 3rmb, small decoration buttons for jeans for 2rmb, lots of tassels for 45rmb and flower bands for 30rmb. The price varied a lot between stalls, so it is better to start by comparing prices before buying anything. For example diamonds in one shop cost 15rmb for 120 pieces when the same amount cost 3rmb in another shop.