Tuesday, September 3
Perillä ollaan
Lento lähti ajoissa ja oli jopa perillä laskettua aikaisemmin. Pienistä ongelmista huolimatta lento meni nukkuen nopeasti. Passintarkastus ei kestänyt niin kauan kun olin olettanut ja laukutkin olivat jo rullahihnalla, kun kävimme ne hakemassa. Melkeen tunnin taximatkan jälkeen pääsimme hotelliimme, joka sijaitsee Nanjing roadilla, eli pääostoskadulla.
Perillä ollaan oltu jo yli 12h mutta netin kanssa oon täällä tapellut niin kauan, etten ole saanut mitään tekstiä julkaistua, yritetään taas huomenna :)
After the nine hour flight I'm finally in Shanghai. Everything went well at the airports and no big problems occurred, even though I had with me an extra bag with my computer in it. I found out at the airport that economy class can only bring one bag to the plain.. oops :) The pass control went smoothly and they only wanted to know how long I would be staying in China.
We took the taxi from Pudong airport to the inner city where our hotel is located. The taxi driver had some problems finding the right building even though I pointed it out for him. Taxi drivers in Shanghai are rated by stars. So a driver with five stars should know most streets in the city. Our driver had only three stars. We are now staying at the hotel until Sunday when I will be moving into my campus hotel room, which I btw went checking out today, but more about it later :)
Some problems with the internet in China has occurred but I try to get it fixed tomorrow.