Busseja on nyt syksyn
ja talven aikana tullut käytettyä melko paljon. Alussa uskalsin vain ottaa
linja 790, jonka päätepysäkki oli Century Avenuella. Matka kesti lähemmäs
tunnin, ja ei se istuen paljon haitannut, mutta matka on tullut seisten koettua
monesti. Kerran kokeilin linja 630, jonka päätepysäkki on lähemmäs Lujiazui,
mutta en ole sinne asti koskaan vielä mennyt, sillä jäin kahdesti pois toisen
metro-aseman kohdalla. Tämä linja olisi 45 minuutissa Century Avenuella, mutta
en sitä silti sinne koskaan ole ottanut. Kerran kokeilin linja 993, joka
pysähtyy kolmenkymmenen minuutin matkan jälkeen lähelle metro linja kuutta.
Toisenkin bussilinjan päätepysäkki on tämän Jinqiao metropysäkin kohdilla. Olen
siis kaupunkiin päin mennessä kokeillut neljää eri linjaa. Busseissa on etuosassa
näyttötaulu, josta näkee mikä pysäkki on tulossa seuraavaksi sekä kiinaksi että
englanniksi. Samalla tulee nauhoitettu kuulutus seuraavasta pysäkistä, mutta
siis jos kuski unohtaa pistää nauhan oikeaan aikaan päälle, pysäkki ehtii mennä
jo ohi. Nykyään otan ensimmäisen bussin, joka vastaan tulee, ja jään
pois uuden metro linja 12 lähettyvillä.
Bussi matkasta maksetaan
vilauttamalla bussikorttia kuskin vieressä olevaan laitteeseen tai maksamalla
kolikoilla laatikkoon. Jos kortinlukija ei ole bussin etuosassa, matkasta
maksetaan bussin keskiovien kohdalla istuvalle naiselle. Nainen kiertelee joskus
busseissa lukulaitteen kanssa keräämässä maksuja. Bussi matkat ovat aina
maksaneet noin 0,25€, joten siksi käytän mieluimmin paljon aikaa matkoihin kuin
paljon rahaa taksi kyyteihin. Monesti bussin ollessa täynnä, moni tulee sisään
toisesta ovesta, eikä siitä missä maksetaan. Mutta tämä ei tarkoita, että he
matkustavat pummilla. Kiinalaiseen tapaan kortti annetaan jollekin tuntemattomalle
joka antaa sen eteenpäin kunnes henkilö lukulaitteen kohdalla maksaa ja
palautta kortin takaisin taaksepäin. Ensimmäistä kertaa kun tämän koin täydessä
bussissa en ymmärtänyt miksi he toisia tökkii korteillaan. Mutta kiinalaiset
ovat tunnollisia, ja maksavat, vaikkakin mitään tarkastajia ei ole koskaan
Busseissa nuoremmat
nousevat seisomaan jos vanhempi henkilö joutuu seisomaan, mutta esim. jos äiti
tulee vauvan kanssa, hän saa ihan tylysti seistä. Aluksi olin luullut, että
nopeimmat saavat istuma paikan, mutta monesti edessäni olevat usein miehet ovat
antaneet minun istua, vaikka heillä olisikin paljon tavaraa käsissään. Seisten
matkat ovat usein olleet ihan kauheita. Bussi kiihdyttää ja jarruttaa siihen
tahtiin, että joskus käsi on puutunut kun olen pidellyt tangosta niin kovaa
kiinni. Täydet bussit ovat melko normaalia nykyään ja siis kaikki jotka vaan
sisään itsensä saa ängettyä pääse mukaan. Ulos pääseminen ei aina ole helppoa
ja pysäkkini ohi kuskit ovat useasti ajaneet pysähtymättä. Busseissa ei siis
ole mitään stop-nappia, vaan kuski silloin tällöin huutaa haluuko joku jäädä
pois. Joskus olen ihan selvästi oven edessä olevassa syvennyksessä seissyt
mutta kuski oli kun ei huomaisi, että haluan kyydistä pois.
During autumn and winter I have taken the public buss a lot of times. In the beginning I only dared taking line 790, since I knew I would get to Century Avenue with it. Lately I have started using other lines too that are a bit faster than 790. To get to Century Avenue takes almost an hour, and if I get a seat the time doesn't matter, but standing the whole way is horrible. I have tried line 630 twice. It also drives past Century Avenue after 45min, but I have continued with the bus to another metro station. Line 993 drives nearby Jinqiao metro station, and the ride takes only 30min. I have also taken another bus, that only has a Chinese line name, to the same metro station. So far I have taken four different lines to get to the city. All the buses have a screen in the front that shows which stop is coming up next and there is a recorded voice that says in Chinese and English the names of the stops. So taking the bus isn't too hard. Nowadays I don't wait for a specific bus line, but instead I take the first one that comes and get of at metro line 12.
The payment for the bus trip is either made in the front, where the chauffeur is, or then to a lady sitting beside the middle doors. I use my metro-bus-taxi card, which is swiped at a machine, but also coins can be used. The bus ride had so far only cost 2RMB each time. Since it is so cheap compared to taking a taxi, I rather waste time than money. Every time the bus is full people just come in from which door that has more space. In the beginning I thought that they didn't pay for their trips since it's hard to go to the front to pay if the bus is full. But Chinese people pay anyways, by giving their card or coins to the people in front who pass it on until the one standing nearest the machine pays, and then the card is returned to its owner. There are some spots that are better to be avoided in a full bus, since there you have to pas on cards all the time. I actually don't know why everybody do pay, since there has never been anybody checking who has paid and who hasn't. Only old people don't pay for some reason. The swipe their card, and almost every time the machine announces that the card is empty.
I had thought that only fast people get seats in buses, but that isn't completely true. Young people give seats to old people and if a seat gets free usually men have given the seat to me even though they would be having a lot of stuff to hold on to. Standing in full buses is something I have got used to, but I don't enjoy the way most drivers accelerate and brake constantly. In Finland if the bus is full it doesn't stop to take on more passengers, but here everybody that can make it inside can come. It's harder to get out than in. No bus has a stop-signal, so even though I have stood in front of the doors buses have passed my stop many times without stopping. Sometimes the driver shouts if anybody wants to get off or not.
During autumn and winter I have taken the public buss a lot of times. In the beginning I only dared taking line 790, since I knew I would get to Century Avenue with it. Lately I have started using other lines too that are a bit faster than 790. To get to Century Avenue takes almost an hour, and if I get a seat the time doesn't matter, but standing the whole way is horrible. I have tried line 630 twice. It also drives past Century Avenue after 45min, but I have continued with the bus to another metro station. Line 993 drives nearby Jinqiao metro station, and the ride takes only 30min. I have also taken another bus, that only has a Chinese line name, to the same metro station. So far I have taken four different lines to get to the city. All the buses have a screen in the front that shows which stop is coming up next and there is a recorded voice that says in Chinese and English the names of the stops. So taking the bus isn't too hard. Nowadays I don't wait for a specific bus line, but instead I take the first one that comes and get of at metro line 12.
The payment for the bus trip is either made in the front, where the chauffeur is, or then to a lady sitting beside the middle doors. I use my metro-bus-taxi card, which is swiped at a machine, but also coins can be used. The bus ride had so far only cost 2RMB each time. Since it is so cheap compared to taking a taxi, I rather waste time than money. Every time the bus is full people just come in from which door that has more space. In the beginning I thought that they didn't pay for their trips since it's hard to go to the front to pay if the bus is full. But Chinese people pay anyways, by giving their card or coins to the people in front who pass it on until the one standing nearest the machine pays, and then the card is returned to its owner. There are some spots that are better to be avoided in a full bus, since there you have to pas on cards all the time. I actually don't know why everybody do pay, since there has never been anybody checking who has paid and who hasn't. Only old people don't pay for some reason. The swipe their card, and almost every time the machine announces that the card is empty.
I had thought that only fast people get seats in buses, but that isn't completely true. Young people give seats to old people and if a seat gets free usually men have given the seat to me even though they would be having a lot of stuff to hold on to. Standing in full buses is something I have got used to, but I don't enjoy the way most drivers accelerate and brake constantly. In Finland if the bus is full it doesn't stop to take on more passengers, but here everybody that can make it inside can come. It's harder to get out than in. No bus has a stop-signal, so even though I have stood in front of the doors buses have passed my stop many times without stopping. Sometimes the driver shouts if anybody wants to get off or not.