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During our stay in this town we drove around in many of these moped-taxi hybrids |
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Playing billiards for the first time in a fancier place |
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Children running around with their kites in the sky |
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Food and beverage was included in the price when we went out to sing in one of the many KTV houses |
Ensimmäinen päivä Anhuin maakunnas vietimme PTni vanhojen luokkalaisten kanssa. He eivät asuneet Anqing kaupungissa, vaan jouduimme ottamaan aamupäivällä bussin toiseen kaupunkiin. Matka kesti pienemmässä bussissa noin neljäkymmentä minuuttia kiinalaista techno musiikkia kuunnellen ja katsellen kauheita musiikki videoita bussin etuosassa olevasta tveestä. Saapuessamme perille ystävä ei ollutkaan vastassa, vaan hyppäsimme mopon ja taxin välimuodon tapaiseen kulkuneuvoon joka ajoi meidät ystävän kodille. Toivon jo matkalla, että ystävillä olisi joku modernimpi koti, ettei missään aivan kauheassa paikkaa tarvitsisi viettää yötä, mutta onnekseni toivo tuli toteen, ja pojat asuivat melko uudella kerrostaloalueella, ja sisustus oli todella moderni heidän kodissaan. Molemmat paikalliset pojat eivät mitenkään paljon englantia osanneet, joten enpä mitään syvempiä keskusteluja heidän kanssaan käynyt, vaikka molemmat olivatkin mukavia. Menimme ensiksi yhdessä syömään lounaan ennen kuin kävelimme melko pitkän matkan aurinkoisessa ja helteisessä säässä biljardia pelaamaan.
Pelin jälkeen mahduimme
kaikki neljä mopo-taxi kulkuneuvoon, joka ajoi meidät poikien asunnon
lähettyvillä olevalle urheilukentälle. Pojat pelasivat hetken koripalloa,
kunnes siirryimme takaisin asunnolle, jossa yksi pojista oli valmistanut meille
ruokaa. Pakollisen lepohetken jälkeen lähdimme laulamaan karaokea. Karaoke
maksoi noin kolmekymppiä ja vaikka saavuimme aika aikaisin, olisimme voineet
olla siellä yö yhteen asti. Hintaan kuului jopa hedelmiä, pähkinöitä, kaljaa, teetä
ja vettä. Musiikin valitsemisohjelma oli todella vaikea käyttää, mutta jälleen kerran
valikossa oli ihan uusimpiakin englanninkielisiä tunnettuja lauluja. Kymmenen
jälkeen palasimme asunnolle, jossa taas yksi pojista valmisti iltapalaksi
nuudeliannokset meille. Hienolta näyttävä sänky narisi siihen malliin, etten
yön aikana paljon uskaltanut kääntyäkään. Aamulla saimme taas syötyä runsaan
kiinalaisen aamupalan ennen kun hyvästelimme vanhat luokkalaiset ja palasimme
Anqing kaupunkiin.
The first day in Anhui province was spent in another town I don't know the name of :D We took a bus from the bus station and after about forty-five minutes we arrived in a city, where my PTs old classmates lived. The didn't come to meet us so we had to take a moped-taxi-hybrid to their place. After sleeping the previous night at the uncles not-so-tidy home, I was hoping for something better for the next night. To my big surprise my wish came true, and his classmates lived in a pretty new apartment with nice furniture and overall clean home. We went all together straight away to eat some breakfast to a nearby restaurant. Due to a power shortage I was sure we had to go somewhere else, but after waiting for a minute the power went back on and we got some food. After this we walked a long way to get to a place where we could play billiards.
After playing for a while we jumped into a moped-taxi that took us back to a sports field nearby the boys apartment. After the had finished their games we got back to the apartment where one of the boys had prepared lunch for us. We rested for a while and then walked over to a KTV house. Food and beverages were included in the price and the place had some pretty new English-songs on their lists. This was also the first KTV place that also had Korean-song. We sang until a bit over ten o'clock even though we could have continued until one. Back in the apartment one of the guys prepared noodles for dinner. The next day he had also managed to prepare a great breakfast and after that we headed back to Anqing.
The first day in Anhui province was spent in another town I don't know the name of :D We took a bus from the bus station and after about forty-five minutes we arrived in a city, where my PTs old classmates lived. The didn't come to meet us so we had to take a moped-taxi-hybrid to their place. After sleeping the previous night at the uncles not-so-tidy home, I was hoping for something better for the next night. To my big surprise my wish came true, and his classmates lived in a pretty new apartment with nice furniture and overall clean home. We went all together straight away to eat some breakfast to a nearby restaurant. Due to a power shortage I was sure we had to go somewhere else, but after waiting for a minute the power went back on and we got some food. After this we walked a long way to get to a place where we could play billiards.
After playing for a while we jumped into a moped-taxi that took us back to a sports field nearby the boys apartment. After the had finished their games we got back to the apartment where one of the boys had prepared lunch for us. We rested for a while and then walked over to a KTV house. Food and beverages were included in the price and the place had some pretty new English-songs on their lists. This was also the first KTV place that also had Korean-song. We sang until a bit over ten o'clock even though we could have continued until one. Back in the apartment one of the guys prepared noodles for dinner. The next day he had also managed to prepare a great breakfast and after that we headed back to Anqing.