Saturday, August 1


These bowls are from the 1970s 
Typical Chinese rice bowls

Cute teabag plates costing 8rmb
Any dish would look good if I'd buy some interesting plates

Yu Yuan puiston ja räätälimarkkinoiden lähettyviltä löytyi ihana pieni astia-liike. Samalla kadulla oli pari muuta liikettä, mutta niissä ei ollut näin upeita tuotteita. Ihastuin jokaiseen kulhoon, ja mukaan tuli kaksi teepussilautasta, kaksi kulhoa ja yksi lusikka. Katsoin ensin uusia kulhoja, kunnes huomasin myyjän pään yläpuolella olevat vanhat kulhot. Uusi ja vanha, eli noin 70-luvulta oleva kulho maksoivat saman verran, eli 4euroa. Teepussilautaset taas olivat noin euron. Kulhoilla olisi tarvetta, mutta mikäli ostan Kiinassa, ne hajoavat melko nopeasti, sillä perhe ei ole tottunut mihinkään ekstraan. Esim. Ikean kahvikuppi hajosi ei niin kauan sitten, eli nyt minulla on kuppeja kaksi ja lasimukeja kaksi, sitä ennen talossa juotiin riisikulhoista…


Near Yu Yuan Garden, I found lots of shops selling bowls and plates. Some of them didn’t even look new, but in one shop I found some really good looking pieces. At first I asked the prices for some teabag plates and a bowl with a spoon, but after that I found some really nice looking old bowls and pots. They were almost hidden on a shelf above the shop owner. I also bought one of the old one that was made in the 1970s. The shop keeper was quite surprised that I was interested in old Chinese pottery. The old and new one, both cost 25rmb, even though the old one is hand painted and the new one is just printed. I might consider going back there and buying some more pieces as these were some of the most reasonably prices that I have found. The bowls I bought some while a back at the Antique street cost some 40rmb a piece after I had bargained.