Tiananmen was located on the other side of this spectacular building |
People were early up and queued to see Maos body |
The entrance to the Forbidden City was at the northern end of the square |
The world-famous picture of Mao on the entrance |
Koulun loputtua ja
kesäloman alettua lähdin kolmen päivän pika-visiitille Pekingiin. Otimme
luotinjunan, joka kesti yli viisi tuntia ja saavuimme iltapäivällä kaupunkiin.
Emme ensimmäisenä iltana paljon ehtineet nähdä kun nähtävyydet jo viiden aikaan
suljetaan. Seuraavana aamuna lähdimme sitten ajoissa tutustumaan Kiellettyyn
Kaupunkiin. Matkalla sinne kävelimme Tiananmenin halki, eli maailman suuriman
aukion yli. Olihan se suuri, mutta ei niin erikoinen, kun olin odottanut.
Aukiolle pääsi turvatarkastuksen jälkeen ja se oli suojattu aitauksilla. Lieneekö
syy se, että ei niin kauan sitten aukiolle oli ajettu autolla ihmisiä päin. Aukiolla
oli paljon turisteja, joista suurin osa meni jonottamaan Maon mausoleumiin.
Ohitimme sen ja menimme suoraan Kiellettyyn Kaupunkiin alikulkutien kautta,
sillä päätien yli ei voinut kulkea.
After I had finished school and my summer
vacation started I and a Finnish friend went to Beijing for a quick three day
visit. We took the bullet train, which took us more than five hours to get to
Beijing. The first evening we didn’t get to see that much as all sights close
at five. Instead we woke up early the next day to go to the Forbidden City. To
get there we had to walk across Tiananmen, the biggest square in the world. It
was huge, but not as spectacular as I had believed it to be. To get in to
Tiananmen we had to walk through a security check. The area was also surrounded
with fences which might have to do with lack of security in the past. The
square was full of tourist groups. The entrance to the Forbidden City was on
the other side of the main road, so we had to walk under, as there was no
possibility to cross the road.