Sunday, August 24

Pääkaupungin kaduilta kuvia

The main shopping street got busy in the evening
The hutong lane on which our hotel was located
It could get crowded on the lane if more than one car drove past
The shopping street was nicely decorated with fake-flowers

The tram seemed a bit weird as it only drove this street back and forth
I was surprised that even Beijing, known for its pollution, had a blue sky in the evening


Aina iltapäivisin, kun olimme palanneet päiväretkiltä, kävin keskustan kaupoissa. Samalla otin kuvia rakennuksista ja ympäristöstä, ja heti huomaa, että kaupunki on paljon vanhempi kuin esim. Shanghai, jossa on enemmän moderneja rakennuksia. Pekingissä on paljon enemmän matalia taloja ja ns. hutong-katuja, jonka varrella on matalia taloja vierekkäin.
After all the day trips we made, we returned to the city center in the evening. In the city I could walk around and explore the shops and the surrounding streets. Beijing is more historical compared to Shanghai, which is more modern. Beijing has lots of Hutongs or lane houses that are pretty low as Shanghai is more known for its skyscrapers.