Monday, August 18

Jingshan Park

The temple could be seen from the Forbidden City

Women doing some Taiji on the foot of the hill

A man playing a flute in the middle of the forest

The main temple on top of the hill

The part of the Forbidden City we didn't visit

The golden roof looks like a sun
I liked the color used in the main temples ceiling

The hill had two smaller temples on both sides


Kielletystä Kaupungista jatkoimme tien yli Jingshan puistoon. Puiston kukkulan huipulla oli temppeli, ja ajattelimme, että saisimme hienoja kuvia Kielletystä Kaupungista kukkulan huipulta. Maisemat olivat kauniit, ja jos sää olisi ollut kirkkaampi, olisimme nähneet enemmän ympäristöstä.


From the Forbidden City we continued on wards to a park on the other side. Jingshan Park has been an imperial garden in the past and the views from the top of the hill was great. If the air would have been clearer it would have been even better, but we got a good view over the Forbidden City.