Thursday, August 21

Kunming Lake

We made it all the way to the Kunming Lake
The lions were the same as in the Forbbiden City

The opera singer we watched for a while
We also saw some women perform a traditional dance
I liked the detailed work on most of the buildings


Inside the boat we took to cross the lake
Some smaller boats on the lake
The boat we used, comapred to the...
Boat of the Emperor

Saavuttuamme kukkulalta alas kävelimme järven ympäri ja pysähdyimme eri rakennusten luona. Yhdessä paikkaa esiintyi kiinalainen oopperalaulaja ja myöhemmin samassa paikkaa pidettiin tanssiesitys. Toisessa rakennuksessa oli esillä erilaisia taideteoksia tai muita aarteita. Kävelimme seitsemäntoista kaaresta rakennetun sillan yli ja saavuimme järven keskellä olevalle saarelle. Saari ei ollut mikään kummoinen, mutta siellä oli taas rakennus, jonne sai mennä sisään. Emme jaksaneet kiertää rantaa pitkin takaisin, päästäkseen alueelta pois, joten otimme veneen, joka vei meidät toiselle puolelle järveä. Vene matka kesti viitisen minuuttia, ja vene oli aivan täynnä. Jouduimme silti taas kiipeämään ylös kukkulan yli, jotta pääsisimme samalle uloskäynnille, josta tulimme, jotta pääsisimme metrolla keskustaan.


After we had made our way down to the Lake we continued around it and visited some building on the way. In one place a Chinese opera singer performed as well as some traditional dancers. In another building old artifacts and art was on display. We crossed and seventeen arced bridge to get to an island in the middle of the lake. The island wasn’t too interesting so we quickly got on a boat that took us back to the beginning of the hill. We had to climb the hill once more to get back to the exit we came from, and to be honest it was the worst climb ever. I thought I was going to die from the heat and the path was really steep and seemed like it was never ending. At some parts we were the only people walking in the forest. This was kind of a relief as the Palace area was packed with tourists.