Sunday, October 11

Pingjiang -kävelykatu

Suzhoun matkalla kävimme Pingjiang kadulla. Katu on vanha ja sitä reunustaa monet kaupat ja joki, jota pitkin turisti veneet kulkivat. Katu oli paikoin todella ruuhkainen, vaikka se olikin ainoastaan kävelykatu. kaupoista ei tullut mitään ostettua, vaikka ne olivatkin todella kiinnostavia.


During out time in Suzhou, we took a stroll on the Pingjiang street. It is next to a river, so tourists could hire a boat. Lots of shops were lined along the road, but we didn’t buy anything. The road was at points too crowded, but this how it is when you go to a tourist destination in the middle of the national holiday.