Monday, October 5

Changan auto

Niin kun monessa blogipostissa olen jo aiemmin maininnut, niin CC on ostanut auton. Changnan merkkinen auto on Kiinalainen, mutta muistuttaa länsimaalaista autoa suuresti. Kiinalaiset automerkithän kopioivat surutta muita merkkejä, mutta hinta kotimaisilla merkeillä on paljon alhaisempi kuin esim. saksalaisella. Maasturi malli tuli valittua, sillä ajamme usein pitkiä matkoja ja paljon ihmisiä ja tavaraa tulee raahattua. Tottakai pieni auto sopisi hyvin kaupunki ajoon, mutta Shanghaissa isommat autot jyräävät pienet. Toisin sanonen, se joka ensin ajaa eteen, sillä on ajo-oikeus, joten pienellä autolla ei kovin usein muitten eteen haluisi ajaa.

Syy auton ostoon oli se, että en halunnut bussilla matkustaa töihin, ja mopokaan ei kuulemma minulle sopisi. CC tulee nykyään hakemaan minut iltasin töistä. Aamuisin otan vielä bussin töihin, sillä silloin saan istumapaikan helposti. Iltasin bussissa on sen verran kova ruuhka, joten olen iloinen, että en enää tarvitse iltaisin tulla kotiin bussilla. 


As I have mentioned in many blogposts before, CC bought a car. The main reason for this is to drive me home from work. So in other words he acts as my personal driver. In the beginning he also drove me to work, but due to the heavy traffic, the drive takes the same amount of time as the bus ride. This means that in the morning I take the bus to work and in the evening he will pick me up. The drive home time depends on if there is traffic or not. If end work before four or after six, usually there is no traffic, and we are home in about 35 minutes. But if I end work between five and six, there might be more traffic, and the ride takes more than 50 minutes.

The car that he bought is a Changan Chinese car. It looks similar to western car brands, but is a fraction of the price. The car is quite nice both inside and out. We decided on a SUV, since a smaller car wouldn’t work well on longer trips and if there is lots of people. Lots of Chinese people have SUVs or bigger cars, since these are in most cases more expensive. On the other hand some people cannot show their wealth through cars, and have to buy a less expensive one than what they actually would afford. This is true for people working for the government. It is not a good sign if they drive around in expensive cars.