Sunday, October 11


One of the smaller wedding dress shops
Red is the color in Chinese weddings, even though they are getting more westernized
More costume than something I would wear to a wedding
A cheaper dress store
A shop for Chinese women's taste 

This was one of the side streets with wedding shops

Suzhoussa, Tiger Hillin vieressä on isot häämarkkinat. Itse asiassa koko lähialue on täynnä kauppoja, jotka myyvät hääasuja, mekkoja, asusteita jne. Pari vuotta sitten kävin Tiger Hillin pagodaa katsomassa, mutta silloin en huomannut näitä liikkeitä. Liikkeitä on satoja, jos ei jopa enemmän, joten jos sinne oikeasti menee metsästämään asua, tarvitsee enemmän aikaa kun vain päivän. Asuja löytyy joka hintaluokasta. Kalliimmissa paikoissa mekot maksoivat 200-500 euron paikkeilla, kun taas muista paikoista sai hyvän asun 30 euron hintaan. Hääpukujen hintoja en katsonut, mutta olen lukenut että niitä saa kaikissa hintaluokissa.

Olin kuvitellut, että täältä ei länsimaalaiseen makuun mitään löydy, mutta olin iloisesti yllättynyt, että monessa kaupassa oli hienoja pukuja. Olisin ostanut paljon hiuskoristeita, mikäli olisin varautunut paremmin tähän matkaan. Kävimme sekä hienommissa liikkeissä, että rähjäisten kujien varrella olevissa paikoissa. Hääpukujen lisäksi täältä löytyisi vaikka mitä pukuja naamiaisia varten.


In Suzhou, next to Tiger Hill, there is a large wedding market. I had been to the Tiger Hill pagoda some years ago, but at that time I had not noticed all the stores selling wedding related stuff. There were more than hundred stores selling dresses and accessories, and if I would have been seriously looking for something, I would have needed more than just a couple of hours. Some shops sold high-end looking dresses, as others looked quite cheap. The good ones cost something like 2000-3000rmb and the cheaper ones you could get for just some 100-200 rmb. I didn’t check the prices of the wedding dresses, but I’m sure there will be some in any price category.

I had imagined that there would only be dresses for the Chinese consumers taste, but I was surprised that there were many things that I liked. Especially all the hair decorations were something that I would have bought a lot of, if I would have prepared better for the trip. Some of the shops were more mall like, and other were located on small side streets. You could even find costumes for Halloween, as everything you could imagine was on sale here. Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures in any of the high-end shops, as they were quite beautiful.