Saturday, September 12


The former slaughter, the 1933 building, is located on the left side of the picture

We ate lunch in the Ferrari owners' club 

Lots of magazines to read in the restaurant
Apparently there was a real Ferrari owners club in the building...
The nearby building were also quite interesting
CCn piti lauantaiaamuna ajaa äitinsä ja pari hänen ystävää Hongkouhun, eli keskustan lähettyville alueelle. Kun nyt sinne asti ajettiin, päätimme käydä paikassa nimeltä 1933. Paikka on tuttu Running Man nimisestä tv-sarjasta, mutta muuta en paikasta tiennytkään. Rakennus on vanha teurastamo, joka on muutettu ostos-ja ruokailu-kohteeksi. Suurimmaksi osaa ihmiset siellä vaan kuvasivat erikoista rakennusta. Söimme lounaan Ferrari omistajien klubi nimisessä paikassa, jossa oli sisustettu formula 1 teeman mukaan. Paikan päällä ei ollut montaa ravintolaa, mutta ainakin yksi muu ravintola tarjosi melkein saman menun, eli heillä oli yhteinen keittiö. Tilasimme Macaolaisen hampurilaisen, spagetti bolognesia, sipulirenkaita ja sienikeittoa hintaan kolmetoista euroa. Lounaan jälkeen kiertelimme rakennusta ja ihmettelimme sen erikoista tyyliä. Rakennuksen ulkopuolelle oli kerääntynyt iso määrä Ferrareja, Lamborgineja ja muita erikoisia ja kalliita merkkejä.


On Saturday morning CC had to drive his mother with some friends to Hongkou, so we seized the moment and went to a place called 1933 during the same trip. 1933 is a former slaughter house that has been transformed into a shopping, dining and entertainment complex. The building is most famous for its unique style and lots of people wandered around taking pictures. We were quite hungry so we looked what some of the restaurants had to offer. Two places had almost the same menu, but the Ferrari owners’ club was more interesting, so I chose to eat there. The restaurant followed the Formula 1 theme with a car in the middle of the space and some other car related stuff on display and for sale. We had some spaghetti, hamburger, onion rings and mushroom soup for 90rmb. After lunch we walked around the place. Actually there was not much to see, but still it is an interesting place, when all the other major sights have been seen too many times. Outside the building lots of Ferraris and Lamborghinis, and other expensive cars were parked, so maybe there really was a club devoted to the owners, or then they were just there for display?