Friday, June 12

Yellow Mountain

The scenery was beautiful in the morning
Lots of tourists on the main attractions
The stairs are built onto the cliff wall, but I felt secure walking there
We met five monkeys in the beginning, but no monkey showed up after that
The monkey is leading the way
The clouds covered up most of the view after these pictures
I would have loved to see more of these mountain tops
Love locks
The locks were attached to everything
You could spot the old and new ones
I found the locks very interesting and they only cost 35rmb to have your names carved into
No transportation on the mountain so everything has to be carried by hand
Hotel supplies on the way down?
Confusing signs 
Stairs leading down, until the next up hill comes along 
The welcoming pine tree was very far away
Luckily there were lots of seats on the way
Who has carved all these pathways in the mountains? 
I almost died on the way up. These stairs were pure hell
The same stairs but picture taken from the top
Back on the ground after taking the cable car down from the mountain 

Syy yli viikon mittaiseen blogi hiljaisuuteen johtui siitä, että kävin Anhuissa. Vietimme suurimman osan viikosta CCn sedän kodissa Anqingissa, mutta kävimme myös Keltaisella vuorella, joka on tunnettu vuori Kiinassa. Otimme yhdeksän aikaan aamulla köysiradan ylös vuorelle, sillä ylös kiipeäminen rappusia pitkin kestäisi kolmisen tuntia, ja sieltä lähdimme kävelemään eri reittejä pitkin katsomaan maisemia. Valitsimme huonon päivän, sillä vuorella satoi hieman ja oli muutenkin pilvistä. Suurimmaksi osaksi emme maisemia nähneet, vaan ainoastaan valkoisen seinämän. Reitit olivat hyvin tehtyjä, mutta todella rankkoja. Rappusia oli aivan liikaa, sillä niitä on suurin piirtein 60,000 kappaletta. Ainakin jalat ja peppu sai hyvät treenit siltä päivältä, ja pohkeet olivat monta päivää kipeänä jälkikäteen. Korkeimmillaan vuoren huiput olivat yli 1,800m korkeudessa. Kävelimme vuorella noin kuutisen tuntia ennen kuin otimme köysiradan alas vuorelta. Vuorelle meneminen on todella kallista, sillä pitää ostaa kalliit sisäänpääsyliput, bussiliput, köysivaunuliput edestakaisin jne. Vielä jos haluaa nähdä auringon nousun ja laskun, joutuu maksamaan hotellista, ja ne eivät olleet mitään halpoja yöpymispaikkoja. Olen iloinen, että matkustimme vuorelle, mutta jäimme paljosta paitsi, sillä sää ei ollut parhaimmillaan. Ensi kerralla taidamme mennä talvella, sillä liput ovat silloin halvempia ja sää usein parempi.


The reason for my blog silence was due to me traveling to Anhui province. I spent a week in Anqing mostly sleeping and eating, but we also made a quick trip to Yellow Mountain. It is a famous mountain that a lot of tourists visit. We only had one day at the mountain so we walked around for six hours. To save time we took the cable car both up and down from the mountain. We had chosen a bad day to visit, since it was raining and cloudy. On the bright side there were less tourists and crowds, and at some parts we were completely alone. Going to the mountain is pretty expensive, since everything cost a lot. Entrance tickets were 230rmb, buss one way 20rmb, cableway one way 80rmb etc. Most people think that staying in a hotel on top of the mountain and seeing the sun rise is mandatory, but that would cost even more. The tracks and paths are well made but not meant for the unfit. Maybe we just walked fast, since we wanted to see a lot, but it was really tiresome to walk up and down. The mountain has some 60,000 stairs and we got and good work out from that trip. I’m a bit sad that we missed all the great views due to the weather condition, but I’m still glad we visited at least one new place during our time in Anhui.